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с английского на русский

unbolted meal

См. также в других словарях:

  • Meal — Meal, n. [OE. mele, AS. melu, melo; akin to D. meel, G. mehl, OHG. melo, Icel. mj[ o]l, SW. mj[ o]l, Dan. meel, also to D. malen to grind, G. mahlen, OHG., OS., & Goth. malan, Icel. mala, W. malu, L. molere, Gr. my lh mill, and E. mill. [root]108 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Meal beetle — Meal Meal, n. [OE. mele, AS. melu, melo; akin to D. meel, G. mehl, OHG. melo, Icel. mj[ o]l, SW. mj[ o]l, Dan. meel, also to D. malen to grind, G. mahlen, OHG., OS., & Goth. malan, Icel. mala, W. malu, L. molere, Gr. my lh mill, and E. mill.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Meal moth — Meal Meal, n. [OE. mele, AS. melu, melo; akin to D. meel, G. mehl, OHG. melo, Icel. mj[ o]l, SW. mj[ o]l, Dan. meel, also to D. malen to grind, G. mahlen, OHG., OS., & Goth. malan, Icel. mala, W. malu, L. molere, Gr. my lh mill, and E. mill.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Meal worm — Meal Meal, n. [OE. mele, AS. melu, melo; akin to D. meel, G. mehl, OHG. melo, Icel. mj[ o]l, SW. mj[ o]l, Dan. meel, also to D. malen to grind, G. mahlen, OHG., OS., & Goth. malan, Icel. mala, W. malu, L. molere, Gr. my lh mill, and E. mill.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • meal — meal1 [mēl] n. [ME mele < OE mæl, a measure, fixed time, meal, akin to Ger mal, time, mahl, meal < IE base * mē , to MEASURE] 1. any of the times, esp. the customary times, for eating, as breakfast, lunch, or dinner 2. the food served or… …   English World dictionary

  • meal — I. noun Etymology: Middle English meel appointed time, meal, from Old English mǣl; akin to Old High German māl time, Latin metiri to measure more at measure Date: before 12th century 1. an act or the time of eating a portion of food to satisfy… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Asopia farinalis — Meal Meal, n. [OE. mele, AS. melu, melo; akin to D. meel, G. mehl, OHG. melo, Icel. mj[ o]l, SW. mj[ o]l, Dan. meel, also to D. malen to grind, G. mahlen, OHG., OS., & Goth. malan, Icel. mala, W. malu, L. molere, Gr. my lh mill, and E. mill.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tenebrio molitor — Meal Meal, n. [OE. mele, AS. melu, melo; akin to D. meel, G. mehl, OHG. melo, Icel. mj[ o]l, SW. mj[ o]l, Dan. meel, also to D. malen to grind, G. mahlen, OHG., OS., & Goth. malan, Icel. mala, W. malu, L. molere, Gr. my lh mill, and E. mill.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brown — (broun), a. [Compar. {Browner}; superl. {Brownest}.] [OE. brun, broun, AS. br?n; akin to D. bruin, OHG. br?n, Icel. br?nn, Sw. brun, Dan. bruun, G. braun, Lith. brunas, Skr. babhru. [root]93, 253. Cf. {Bruin}, {Beaver}, {Burnish}, {Brunette}.] Of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brown Bess — Brown Brown (broun), a. [Compar. {Browner}; superl. {Brownest}.] [OE. brun, broun, AS. br?n; akin to D. bruin, OHG. br?n, Icel. br?nn, Sw. brun, Dan. bruun, G. braun, Lith. brunas, Skr. babhru. [root]93, 253. Cf. {Bruin}, {Beaver}, {Burnish},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brown bread — Brown Brown (broun), a. [Compar. {Browner}; superl. {Brownest}.] [OE. brun, broun, AS. br?n; akin to D. bruin, OHG. br?n, Icel. br?nn, Sw. brun, Dan. bruun, G. braun, Lith. brunas, Skr. babhru. [root]93, 253. Cf. {Bruin}, {Beaver}, {Burnish},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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